What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a relatively new powerful and effective treatment that focuses on processing (conscious and unconscious) blockages that can negatively affect our daily functioning.
Brainspotting is extremely effective, especially because it reaches those areas in the brain that are hidden from our cognitive awareness (our thinking ability, our beliefs).
Brainspotting therefore not only has a positive effect on our quality of everyday life but is also particularly effective when it comes to improving high level performance.
The founder of Brainspotting is psychotherapist Dr David Grand. He developed Brainspotting from his broad experience in the field of trauma treatments and EMDR.
Klik hier voor een video over Brainspotting.

How does Brainspotting work?
‘Where you look affects how you feel’
Brainspotting makes use of this natural phenomenon through its use of relevant eye positions. This helps the BSP therapist locate, focus, process and release a wide range of emotionally and bodily-based conditions. BSP is also a brain-based tool to support the therapy relationship. We believe that BSP taps into and harnesses the body’s natural self-scanning, self-healing ability. When a Brainspot is stimulated, the deep brain appears to reflexively signal the therapist that the source of the problem has been found. BSP can also be used to find and strengthen our natural resources and resilience. BSP is designed as a therapeutic tool that can be integrated into many of the healing modalities. BSP is even more powerful when used with the enhancement of biolateral sounds.