Psychodynamic therapy

I have been a psychodynamic therapist in training since September 2021.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a person-oriented treatment in which the development of the person is central. Thoughts, feelings, desires, motives and behaviour are considered alongside past experiences.
With psychodynamic therapy, unconscious emotions and thoughts are explored in order to better understand and process behind your asking for help. The therapy will help you gain more insight into yourself and thus more control over your actions and your relationship with others.

As your practitioner, I will be active, emotionally engaged, real and authentic. At times, I might express critical takes of your attitude. But know that I will always respect your authentic feelings. You will be encouraged, guided, confirmed and confronted with your thoughts and feelings. These feelings and thoughts are also interpreted and clarified. This will help create awareness, clarification and improvement of relationships with others, and the relationship you have with yourself.

Psychodynamic therapy is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Therefore, the exact content of the treatment will differ per person. The length and form of the treatment depends on your needs and goals, and on you as a person and on me as the practitioner.

As I am still in training, great care and attention will be taken for your treatment process, with guidance and supervision of experienced mentors and psychodynamic therapists working at the Academy of Psychodynamics.
